What do conversion cards do?

How it works


You can trigger these cards to open based on 4 different actions visitors take on your website:

  1. Click – When a visitor clicks on any Proof notification, open the CTA card
  2. Scroll  – When a visitor scrolls to a certain point on a page, open the CTA card
  3. Timer – When a visitor has been on a page for a certain amount of time, open the CTA card
  4. Exit  – When a visitor intends to exit the page, open the CTA card

Live Demo

🔴 See a live demo on our homepage by clicking on a Proof notification.

How to setup

Before starting, make sure you have the latest Proof pixel installed on your site.

Step 1 – Edit a campaign

Login to your Proof account > Go to Campaigns > Create a new campaign OR edit an existing one.

Step 2 – Select Conversion Cards + Click Customize

Go to the first step named "Type" > Select Conversion Cards > Click the "Customize" button and a window pane will slide open.

Step 3 – Create a custom message

In the Message section write an important message that gives your visitors more information about the call to action.

Step 4 – Create a call to action

In the Button section, input a URL that will direct your visitors to another webpage. For example, this could be your Signup page or Checkout page.

The other option is to have the Button open an Intercom chat window so that your visitors can start a conversation with you right away.

Step 5 – Choose a trigger

In the Triggers section, you can select one or more triggers that will activate Conversion Cards.

Open this card when a visitor:

  1. Clicks on another notification (e.g Recent Activity, Hot Streaks, Live Visitor Count)
  2. Tries to close the window on your website (exit intent)
  3. Scrolls at least X % down the page
  4. Has been on the page for X amount of seconds

✔️ Save and Launch!

Click the blue "Done" button > complete the second step (Capture),  third step (Display), and fourth step (Customize) > Save and Launch your campaign. That's it!

Additional customizations

Upload a custom image (optional)

Upload a custom image to be displayed on your card. The image must be square and file size less than 100kb.

Card Expiration

You can set the card to close after it's been open for X amount of seconds. This is a great way to add urgency to your offer.⠀⠀

Here's what it looks like when you add an expiration to the card:


⚠️ Must be on the Business plan or above. You can always upgrade your plan or downgrade at anytime!

⚠️ Make sure you have the latest Proof pixel installed. If you added the pixel to your website before 01/18/18, then you'll likely need to remove the old pixel and add the new pixel.


Why are my triggers not activating the card?

Triggers happen only 1 time per user session – so that's why the exit intent trigger may not be working for you. You’ll want to clear you browser cache and try again. Or you can try viewing your page in Incognito or Private Browser mode. 

When a user clicks on another notification, this trigger should always activate the cards (when selected in the customization settings).

Can I change the color of the call to action button?

No, not at the moment. We plan on adding the option to customize the color of the button in the future :)

Can you trigger a chat app?

Yes, you can setup Conversion Cards to open an Intercom chat window and optionally pre-populate with a message. At the moment we don't have direct integrations with other chat platforms.

Does Conversion Cards cost extra?

Business plans and above have access to Conversion Cards. If you're on the Basic or Pro plan, you'll need to upgrade your plan.

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