Where should I install the Proof pixel?

You will want to install the Proof pixel on:

  • the goal completion URL (thank you pages/ order received page) 
  • the capture URL (url with the email form) and 
  • the display URL (wherever you want your notification to show)

This will be the way for your metrics to show accurately in app :) Your Proof pixel needs to be installed on all Capture Data and Display on-site urls in order to use the Recent Activity and Hot Streaks (conversions) notifications. Without the pixel, your campaign may fail to capture conversions or display notifications.

How to check your campaign

Step 1

Click on the relevant campaign > Scroll down to 'Capture & Display'

Step 2

Now click on all of your Capture Data and Display on-site urls and confirm it's there.

Can't find the pixel on a page?

If you've stumbled across a Capture or Display url in your campaign without the Proof pixel installed, then you'll want to get the pixel installed before you do anything else.

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